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Multi-campaign FAQ

Frequently asked questions about multicampaign

Patrick avatar
Written by Patrick
Updated over 2 months ago

How many campaigns can I run at the same time?

You can create and simultaneously run up to 50 referral or affiliate campaigns on the ReferralCandy dashboard. It is recommended that you run only the number of live campaigns that you can monitor and manage.

Do multiple live campaigns affect each other?

Campaigns are independent of each other, and run in parallel. This means that the configurations you set are specific for each campaign. The only settings your campaigns may share are its target audience, if the campaigns have the same targeted or excluded segments.

Can I use multi-campaigns to boost the rewards of my current campaign or run seasonal or promotional reward increases?

No, the multi-campaign feature is meant for merchants who want to run multiple campaigns simultaneously that target different audiences. These campaigns are independent of each other and can’t be used to boost the rewards of an existing campaign to increase referral engagement.

What kind of campaigns can I run with multi-campaign?

There are endless possibilities with multi-campaigns based on your referral marketing needs. Here are some use cases for multi-campaigns:

  • Different types of referral programs: Running a customer referral program for store purchases and an affiliate program for influencers.

  • Different affiliate programs: Running an affiliate program for YouTube influencers and another affiliate program for Instagram influencers that you may prefer to offer higher or lower cash rewards to.

  • Campaigns based on lifetime spend: A campaign for customers who have spent less than $1000 at your store, and a campaign for VIP customers who have a lifetime spend of over $1000.

Can advocates be enrolled in multiple campaigns?

Yes, advocates or affiliates can be enrolled in multiple campaigns if they are part of one or more segments that you set for your campaign's target audience. Read about segments and campaign enrollment to learn more.

What happens to advocates who are enrolled in multiple campaigns?

Advocates are rewarded for each eligible referred purchase they make, regardless of which and how many campaigns they are enrolled in. Here are some sample scenarios:

Note: These scenarios assume that the referred purchases are rewardable.

Scenario 1: The advocate is enrolled in 2 campaigns and refers 2 people, one for each campaign. Does the advocate get 2 rewards?

Yes, the advocate gets 2 rewards, 1 reward from each campaign. Because campaigns are independent and running in parallel, getting a reward in one campaign has no impact on getting a reward in another campaign.

Scenario 2: The advocate is enrolled in 2 campaigns and refers 1 friend. The friend tries to use referral links from 2 campaigns to make a purchase. Does the advocate get 2 rewards?

No, the advocate doesn’t get 2 rewards. A single purchase can only be referred by 1 person through 1 campaign. The referral detection system automatically detects and assigns which campaign the purchase was referred through.

Scenario 3: The advocate is enrolled in 2 campaigns and refers 1 friend. This friend makes 2 purchases, one for each campaign. Does the advocate get 2 rewards?

No. After making their first purchase, the referred friend is considered a registered contact in your account, and the advocate is ineligible to get rewarded for purchases made by the same friend through another campaign. A broad pre-requisite for all referred friends, is that they must be NEW customers (they must not exist within your ReferralCandy "Contacts" list)

Scenario 4: If an advocate is enrolled in 2 campaigns, could they potentially get 2 referral emails at the same time after enrollment?

Yes. If enabled for both campaigns, the advocate gets 2 separate referral emails containing their campaign-specific referral links.

Can I use widgets from multiple campaigns at the same time?

Widgets are campaign-specific with multi-campaigns. The ability to use multi-campaign widgets simultaneously depends on the widget type.

Note: Some widgets require technical expertise to set up. ReferralCandy does not provide debugging support for this.

Embedded widgets

Widgets that you embed, such as the embedded signup page and the referral widget, are campaign-specific. This means that your campaigns don't share the same embed code and can be used simultaneously.

For the referral widget, we recommend using only one per page. For example, embed the main campaign's referral widget on your homepage. Then, create a separate page for a seasonal campaign where its referral widget is embedded.

Post-purchase popup widget

You can enable the post-purchase popup for only one campaign. For Shopify merchants, enabling the post-purchase popup widget for a campaign disables the popup widget for your other live campaigns. For other platforms, you can select only one campaign to show the popup widget.

Referral extension for Shopify

The referral checkout extension for Shopify can only be active in one campaign at a time.

How do the emails and pages look for advocates who are enrolled in multiple campaigns?

Because campaigns are independent of each other, enrollment in one campaign does not affect their experience with another campaign. If you run multiple campaigns at the same time, and an advocate is enrolled in both, they see separate pages and receive separate emails for each campaign. What do campaign emails and pages look like?

The join, share, and reward pages are separate for each campaign. This means that advocates must log in to the campaign-specific Advocate Portal via the join page to access their share and rewards pages for a specific campaign. Invite, reminder, and reward emails are also sent separately for each campaign.

Shopify widgets

If you're using the customer referral details extension for Shopify, an advocate enrolled in multiple campaigns can click the Campaign dropdown to select the campaign they want to view their referral details for.

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