Referral emails are an integral part of your customers' referral journey. Learn how to enable, disable, and customize the sending out of your core referral emails to your customers. By default, all emails are enabled and set to their recommended settings. What do these emails look like?
Note: Only customers who are subscribed to receiving communications from you can receive these emails. You may choose to Ignore marketing email preference.
Invite emails
The Invite Email is an important element when it comes to bringing in referral sales. We highly recommend that this is enabled and sent immediately. The longer you wait to send the invite email, the less likely your customers are to refer their friends.
Invite emails are sent after your customer becomes enrolled in your referral campaign based on the target audience you set. Enrollment can be through purchase, from signups, or via invite when you use the Import Contacts tool.
Klaviyo Integration: If you decide to use Klaviyo for your referral emails, we recommend you toggle off Invite Emails to avoid duplicate emails.
Delaying the invite email
A delay is often set by merchants so that the invite email is sent to the customers after their orders have been shipped to them.
On the dashboard, go to Campaigns > All Campaigns > Select your campaign.
Click Email Settings. To set a delay, Invite Emails must be enabled.
In the Invite email section, click the Send ⬜ post-enrollment radio button.
Enter the desired value in the text field.
Click Save Changes.
Reminder emails
The Reminder Emails are sent to your customers at specified intervals. The recommended interval is 2 weeks.
You have the option to stop sending reminder emails:
When an Advocate met a specific number of successful referrals.
When a number of emails have already been sent to the Advocate.
Never stop sending reminder emails.
If you choose Never stop sending, you don't have to worry about reminder emails being too spammy. ReferralCandy runs on an adaptive system that spaces out email delivery if it's detected that your customers are not interacting with the emails, eventually stopping sending the emails out.
Reward notification emails
Reward Emails for pending, successful, and ineligible rewards are all enabled by default as these help keep your Advocates updated about the status of their referrals. You have the option to disable these email notifications.
Klaviyo Integration: If you decide to use Klaviyo for your reward notification emails, we recommend you set up email flows in Klaviyo first before disabling them on ReferralCandy.
Marketing emails
You can override your customers' marketing email preferences if they are unsubscribed from receiving referral campaign emails from your store. If checked, you can send referral emails to customers even if customers do not opt-in at checkout.
Note: For Shopify merchants, overriding email preferences applies only to the first purchase of a customer. If the customer is unsubscribed, they stop receiving referral emails for their second and future purchases, even if the feature is enabled.
On the dashboard, click Campaigns > Settings.
Scroll down to find Marketing Emails. Click to expand.
Check Send emails even if customers do not opt-in at checkout.
Click Save Changes.
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