Email integration is the most commonly used method for merchants. Unlike other integration types, it's easy to set up and doesn't require technical expertise.
The steps needed to connect your eCommerce platform to ReferralCandy may vary by platform. For the list of supported platforms and instructions on how to integrate, refer to the setup page.
Not sure about email integration? If you're unsure whether ReferralCandy will work on your platform using email integration, refer to the links below:
Set up email integration
To integrate your store with ReferralCandy via invoice emails, you should be able to do the following steps:
BCC ReferralCandy on the invoice email sent to customers after purchase completion. Learn about forwarding invoice emails
Insert a referral tracking code on the purchase completed page that your customer sees once they complete a purchase on your site. Learn about inserting the JavaScript tracking code
Note: You may have to contact your eCommerce platform provider for additional guidance on how to perform the 2 steps above.
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