The API integration allows you to connect your store to ReferralCandy with greater control and customization options for implementing a referral or affiliate program.
Why API integration
You can't BCC ReferralCandy on invoice emails, so email integration doesn't work for your store
You can't expose dynamic checkout variables needed for the JavaScript integration
You want to do a custom integration with your existing rewards system
You have a non-standard checkout process for your online store. For example, the invoice information is finalized sometime after the initial JavaScript tracking code is triggered.
Refer to the ReferralCandy API Documentation.
How API Integration works
A referrer signs up by visiting your join page URL. To find this link, on the ReferralCandy dashboard go to Campaigns > Select your campaign > Emails & Pages. Find the join page URL next to Promote your referral program.
If the customer meets your segment criteria, they are enrolled in your campaign and see their unique referral link.
From another browser and IP address, another person is referred by visiting the referrer's invite link, and then the purchase completed page of your store.
Use the purchase method of the ReferralCandy API to send ReferralCandy purchase information to detect referrals.
You should see referrals detected on your Purchases & Referrals page.
How do campaigns work? See the referral campaign map to learn more.
Set up API Integration
Step 1: Use the purchase method
Connect your store to ReferralCandy using the purchase method.
On the ReferralCandy dashboard, go to Integrations > Standalone.
Choose API Integration as the connection type and click Next.
Use the purchase method to send purchase information from your store to ReferralCandy, in particular:
field must be within 10 minutes of the visit to your store's purchase completed pageThe
fields must correspond with the IP address and browser used by the purchase. See how it workscurl --data "accessID=THISISMYACCESSID&browser_ip=¤cy_code=USD&×tamp=1581062448&signature=SIGNATUREASCALCULATEDBELOW" --data-urlencode "user_agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:72.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/72.0"
Make a test purchase at your store.
In the Listening for API request. Make a purchase to send us a signal section, click Next. If you correctly set up the purchase method, this section shows a green checkmark.
You can also use other ReferralCandy API methods to implement a more customized store integration with ReferralCandy.
Step 2: Add the referral tracking code to your store
On the ReferralCandy dashboard, go to Integrations > Standalone.
Copy the code snippet provided.
Add the referral tracking code snippet to your store's purchase completed page. Paste the code just before the
Tips for ReferralCandy API integration
Provide all required fields for a particular API method and include them in the signature calculation. See a sample
If you provide non-required fields, make sure that they are also included as part of the signature calculation
Sort all the name and value pairs in alphabetical order
If you have non-required fields, sort them in alphabetical order
Use the correct values for the access ID and secret key. On the ReferralCandy dashboard, go to Profile to find your API tokens.
Testing and troubleshooting
To ensure that the referral tracking code works, make a test purchase in your store and go to your Purchases & Referrals page to verify that purchases are detected.
403 Forbidden error
The API returns the HTTP 403 Forbidden error code when:
Your campaign isn't live
Your campaign was stopped by the system
Your account is suspended
Refer to the campaign states and account states articles to learn how to fix issues related to this error.
Sample signature
Worked example to calculate signature
Worked example to calculate signature
Here's how you'd calculate the signature for the purchase method.
Gather all the field and value pairs you have, ensuring that all the required fields have a value.
List of fields used in this example to calculate signature
Sort the field and value pairs in alphabetical order.
Alphabetical list of fields
Join all of the field and value pairs into a single string:
accessID=THISISMYACCESSIDbrowser_ip= (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:72.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/72.0
Prepend your API Secret Key to the single string from the previous step:
THISISMYSECRETKEYaccessID=THISISMYACCESSIDbrowser_ip= (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:72.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/72.0
The calculated signature is the MD5 of the combined single string from the previous step:
Digest::MD5.hexdigest("THISISMYSECRETKEYaccessID=THISISMYACCESSIDbrowser_ip= (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:72.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/72.0")=> "c4c5c55b142494e8dfcaf4e806900223"
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