When updating your credit card information for your ReferralCandy account, you may encounter errors that prevent you from updating your details. Below is a list of common errors related to adding or updating credit card information:
AVS check failure
Address Verification System (AVS) check failure
An AVS check verifies the billing address after a successful credit card transaction. If it fails, ReferralCandy was able to process a test charge, but the address verification returned an error "Street address and postal code do not match." Most merchants still accept transactions despite AVS mismatches, which may explain why your card worked elsewhere.
Try updating your credit card details. If you're still getting a check failure after updating your details, contact us to request an AVS check override.
Payment declined
Your card-issuing bank is declining the payment authorization
Your bank may decline to authorize ReferralCandy charges. To get around this, you can contact your bank to approve charges from "REFERALCNDY" or "REFERRALCANDY", or use a different credit card for your account.
Expired or invalid token
Your PayPal Token or credit card reference token has expired or is invalid
Even if your details haven't changed, you need to resubmit your payment details on the Plans & Pricing page on the ReferralCandy dashboard, or the Payments page in Shopify admin.
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