The ReferralCandy plugin is available for WooCommerce 9.0.1 or higher. If you use an older version, we recommend one of our manual integration methods.
Step 1: Signup up for ReferralCandy (14-day free trial)
Select WooCommerce as your platform and complete the steps until you reach the ReferralCandy dashboard.
On the dashboard, go to Profile > My Profile.
Click the API Tokens and Plugin Tokens sections to expand.
Take note of the following information:
API Access ID
App ID
Secret Key
Step 2: Installing ReferralCandy on WooCommerce
There are 2 methods to install the ReferralCandy plugin. You only need to accomplish one of these methods before proceeding to Step 3.
Method 1: From your WordPress dashboard (Recommended)
Go to Plugins > Add New Plugin, then search for ReferralCandy.
Click Install and activate, then proceed to Step 3.
Method 2: From
Step 3: Integrating ReferralCandy with WooCommerce
Once installation is complete, the following page appears:
Click Manage plugin. You're redirected to the plugin's Integration page.
Scroll down to find the API and plugin token fields. Copy the tokens from the ReferralCandy dashboard described in Step 1 and paste the information into the appropriate fields:
Click Save Changes.
Step 4: Configuration
Below are the different configuration options available for the plugin.
Configuration options
Configuration options
Process orders with status
At which state of the order should the orders be sent to ReferralCandy? We recommend using the Completed status to reduce referrals being attributed from fraudulent purchases. If your orders do not reach a completed state, you can use other states, such as Processing.
Render tracking code on
At which page of your store should we render or trigger the tracking code? We require the tracking code to be triggered on your store's Thank You Page for the best accuracy when detecting referrals. If you do not use the default checkout page as your store's Thank You Page, please update this page. If you are having issues with a custom Thank You Page, contact us.
Accepts marketing checkbox label
On the checkout page, we render an additional opt-in checkbox to let us know if your customers would like to receive referral emails or not. You can customize the checkbox's label using this text input.
Post-purchase Popup
This option enables or disables the post-purchase popup widget on your checkout page without having to write a single piece of code.
Post-purchase Popup Quickfix
Sometimes the post-purchase popup isn't rendered properly due to personal customizations on the store's themes and CSS files. We provided this option to quickly fix that issue for you without having to write additional code. If your issue is not resolved with this option, contact us.
Note: Only version v2.4.0 or higher of this plugin is compatible with stores that have HPOS enabled. If you recently transitioned to HPOS, the plugin will auto-detect this change and update accordingly. No additional action is required from you at this time.
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