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Getting referrals to go to your store

How to improve your referral link clicks

Adam avatar
Written by Adam
Updated over a week ago

When an Advocate's friend clicks on their referral link, they are one step closer to becoming a customer at your store. That's why improving your referral link clicks will increase the likelihood of your referral program's success.

To improve referral link clicks, you need to address two parts of the equation:

  1. Getting your Advocates to share the links

  2. Getting their Friends to click on them

Tips to improve referral link clicks

While the following tips aren't rocket science, they serve as a useful reminder:

1. Choose attractive referral program incentives

The reasoning is simple: if your Advocates don't find your referral reward attractive, they wouldn't be interested in sharing their referral links with their friends; likewise, if your Advocates' friends don't find your friend offer attractive, they won't be interested in clicking the referral link to find out more.

Find out how to choose the right referral reward and the right friend offer for your store.

2. Make your referral email convincing

Your referral email should convince your Advocates to share their referral links with their friends. Here are a few tricks you can try to achieve that:

  • Use simple language to explain the following to your Advocates:

    • What’s in it for them?

    • What are they giving their friends?

    • How do they go about earning their reward?

  • Play up your store's value proposition.
    What is the main reason your customers buy from you? Is it to make a difference in the lives of others, to help children learn better, to look stylish, to be unique, etc.? Play up this primary motivation in the referral email so that it’s very clear what the value proposition is that the Advocate is sharing with their friends.

  • Adopt an encouraging tone so that Advocates want to take part.

  • Check for grammatical errors, especially after using the mail merge tags.

Find out how you can improve your referral email views.

3. Make your referral links stand out in social media feeds

Having a featured image for your referral links help them stand out in social media feeds, thus increasing the likelihood of engagement from Advocate's friends. You should choose a visually captivating image that showcases what your store sells, so that your Advocate's friends can have a good sense of your store's value proposition.

To turn on featured image for Facebook shares:

  1. Go to your ReferralCandy dashboard's Social Media Messages page, and choose the "Custom Image*" option in the Facebook default sharing message box.

  2. Copy and paste the URL of your featured image (you’ll have to upload it to a web service) into the input field.

  3. Click the "Save Changes" button when you're done.

To turn on featured image for Twitter shares:

  1. Go to your ReferralCandy dashboard's Social Media Messages page, and check the "Include Twitter Card Support" box in the Twitter default sharing message box.

  2. Copy and paste the URL of your featured image (you’ll have to upload it to a web service) into the "Card Image URL" field.

  3. Click the "Save Changes" button when you're done.

The message that accompanies each social media share should also convince your Advocate's Friends to click on the referral link. Here are a few tricks you can try to achieve that:

  • Mention the friend offer in the referral link description and its default sharing message, to attract the friend to click on the link.

  • Play up your store's value proposition. What is the main reason your customers buy from you? Is it to make a difference in the lives of others, to help children learn better, to look stylish, to be unique etc.? Highlight the primary reason why someone would buy your product (other than price), so that your Advocate's friends have more reason to click on the link.

  • Remember to change the referral link description and default sharing messages for both Twitter and Facebook shares!

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