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Referral checkout extension for Shopify
Adam avatar
Written by Adam
Updated over a week ago

The referral checkout extension is available only to Shopify. This enables Shopify merchants to easily embed a referral extension on the "Thank you" page at checkout.

Add the referral extension to your checkout page

For the instructions on how to install and add the referral extension to your Shopify checkout page, visit the article: Customizing your checkout configurations with apps.

Configure the referral extension on ReferralCandy

To access the settings for the referral extension:

  1. On the dashboard go to Campaigns > All Campaigns > Select your campaign.

  2. On the Widgets page, find the Referral Extension section and check Show this campaign's content.

  3. A popup warning appears. Click Continue to proceed.

  4. Choose between the two options:

    • Show referral link immediately upon purchase

    • Show referral link after signup

  5. Click Save changes.

Note: The referral extension can be enabled for only one live campaign at a time. Checking Show this campaign's content overwrites the setting of another campaign if referral extension was already enabled for it.

Show referral link immediately upon purchase

When this option is selected, customers immediately see and share their referral link with their friends. For a more seamless and automated customer experience, we highly recommend this option for most referral campaigns.

The widget doesn't appear for unenrolled and unqualified contacts.

Show referral link after signup

When this option is selected, new customers need to sign up first before they see their referral link. If they are enrolled in your campaign, their referral link appears immediately at checkout. If they are not qualified to enroll, they are waitlisted.

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